Sampai juga tantangan KBB yang ke-12.. sstt bentar lagi dah mau ultah kbb nih..:p Balik ke tantangan ke-12, kali ini kita harus membuat Souffle..tepatnya Cheese Souffle. Boleh menambahkan bahan yang diinginkan seperti ham, oregano, daging cincang, dll.. Tapi aku buat souffle ini persis ikutin resep, tanpa tambahan. Rasanya enak asin-asin... lembut... membelai lidah...:) Silakan disimak resepnya dan dicoba ya...
Oh ya.. soufflenya sudah agak turun waktu difoto, harusnya langsung pas keluar oven, masih diloyang, jepreett.... Berhubung aku pindahkan dulu ke meja, jadi udah ga membumbung tinggi.. Dan kemungkinan pengaruh mangkuknya yang sedikit melengkung (bagian bawah), jadi ga membumbung sempurna ya.. ada belahannya.. Atau pengisian adonan yang kurang banyak??
Sumber: The Perfect Cookbook by David Herbert. Penguin Books Australia Ltd 2003.
100g unsalted butter
� cup plain (all-purpose) flour
300 ml milk
1 cup grated cheddar (vin-melted cheddar) 2 Tbs freshly grated parmesan
� tsp Dijon mustard (vin-mustard biasa)
pinch cayenne pepper
4 eggs, separated
- Preheat the oven to 190C (375F, Gas Mark 5). Grease and lightly flour six �-cup-capacity souffle dishes.
- Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk and whisk continuously over medium heat until the mixture is smooth, thickens and comes to the boil. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.
- Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in the cheddar, parmesan, mustard and cayenne pepper. Mix well.
- Lightly beat the egg yolks and add these to the cheese mixture. Mix well.
- With an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until firm peaks form. Fold a quarter of the whites through the cheese mixture to slacken it slightly, then gently fold through the remaining whites.
- Spoon the mixture into the prepared dishes and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until risen and golden. Don't be tempted to open the oven until the souffles have risen. Serve immediately.
- Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk and whisk continuously over medium heat until the mixture is smooth, thickens and comes to the boil. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.
- Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in the cheddar, parmesan, mustard and cayenne pepper. Mix well.
- Lightly beat the egg yolks and add these to the cheese mixture. Mix well.
- With an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until firm peaks form. Fold a quarter of the whites through the cheese mixture to slacken it slightly, then gently fold through the remaining whites.
- Spoon the mixture into the prepared dishes and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until risen and golden. Don't be tempted to open the oven until the souffles have risen. Serve immediately.